"I'd never pay that much!"

em's daily đź’Ś


While working with a client on increasing her pricing for her 1:1 coaching package, she said:

"Paying THAT much for my services?! That seems astronomical! I would never!"

Sure, YOU might never pay that much for your services.

But someone else will.

And it makes sense, really-

It's hard for you to wrap your mind around someone paying you more for something that seems really simple to you.

But that's WHY they're paying you.

Because you're the expert.

And paying you is going to get them from point A --> point B faster.

Just because you'd never pay for your own services,

Doesn't mean it's not valuable to someone else.


I'm here,


Helping you become your best marketer.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA, 98104-2205​
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Emily Beal

A daily newsletter for people who want to take their knowledge and turn it into income. For creators, coaches, & subject-matter experts. You can unsubscribe at any time.

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